One School, Statewide Impact
The UNC School of Government generates practical scholarship with real-world impact. For more than 90 years, it has helped North Carolina’s public officials and citizens understand and improve state and local government.
Mission and Impact
The School is committed to assessing its work, highlighting areas of impact, and identifying opportunities for improvement. Compiling and sharing key insights from this ongoing effort is part of a larger goal to illustrate how the School is meeting its mission of service to the State of North Carolina.
Since its founding in 1931, the mission of the School of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been to improve the lives of North Carolinians by engaging in practical scholarship that helps public officials and citizens understand and improve state and local government.
Prior to founding the School, Albert Coates recognized a gap in knowledge between classroom and practice and between incoming and outgoing public officials. The Institute of Government—now the School of Government—was created to help bridge this gap by providing public officials with the training and knowledge necessary to fulfill their duties. The School provides courses, advising, and publications to public officials across North Carolina, with the goal of contributing to increased knowledge and skills, improved job performance, and, ultimately, better governance by public officials.
County Profiles
"The School of Government is a true asset for local government employees. We are so very fortunate to be able to have such talented staff and experts in every subject matter at our fingertips."
Assistant Town Manager
2021–22 at a Glance
Courses Offered for Public Officials
Course Registrations
Copies of Publications Sold
Advising Requests Answered
"As a graduate of the MPA program, the School of Government has been an amazing 'home base' for those of us pursuing public service careers. The MPA and School alumni networks are incredibly supportive, and we are fortunate to have such experienced, dedicated public servants in North Carolina."
Education Coordinator
Who We Serve
The School of Government’s mission is focused on the people of North Carolina. Practical scholarship translates into purposeful action through deep and enduring partnerships with local officials and leaders.
Dedicated to service throughout the state, in the previous fiscal year, School faculty taught 16,992 course registrants representing all 100 North Carolina counties.
Serving all 100 North Carolina Counties Annually

School clients span all levels of government in North Carolina, working in municipalities, county governments, the judicial branch, and other state agencies. Support is not limited to coursework and certifications—offerings include tangible assistance and action in areas that run the spectrum of local government services and beyond.
The School is also focused on developing the next generation of public leaders. Through 207 students and 1,340 alumni in its Master of Public Administration program, and 25 current Lead for North Carolina Fellows, the School creates meaningful experiences for aspiring public servants as they prepare for careers in the public sector.
How We're Doing
To better understand impact throughout the state, the School launched an annual audience survey in late 2019. The survey received responses from more than 2,000 public officials. This is part of an ongoing effort to track the School’s work and outcomes; learn more by reading about the methodology.
“I have learned from the School of Government.”
“Working with the School of Government has been of benefit to my career.”
“The School of Government has been a valuable resource for North Carolina’s public officials.”
“The School of Government helps public officials better serve North Carolinians.”
(n= 2,108)
"The School of Government, through its educational programs, faculty, and publications, improves the quality of the administration of justice in the Superior Court every day in courts across the State. It is the most valuable resource that a superior court judge has in carrying out the duties of the office. Every judge is a better judge because of the School of Government. It cannot be overstated as to how valuable and beneficial the School of Government is to the people of North Carolina."
Superior Court Judge
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill